
ISA Awards Process​

The International Somali Awards recognizes excellence from Somalis across the globe that has made significant progress and contribution to their communities and individual developments. The winners of the International Somali Awards will be selected through an online transparent nomination and voting process from the public.

Nomination Phase

The public wishing to nominate success stories are required to fill in online form where they will enter nominations and onto which category they belong. Each awards category has specific eligibility and assessment criteria.

Judging Phase

After nominations are closed, received, and reviewed, an independent, reputable, and transparent selection of judges will look at the nominations received, and each nominee will undergo a vetting process that will evaluate who should be shortlisted in each category.

Voting Phase

The judges will select three final nominees for each category on the website, and the public will then vote in each category to determine the winner. We count the final tally, respecting each nominee to ensure integrity, fairness, and transparency. The final winner for each category will be the nominee with the most votes. 

Awards Ceremony

The Awards Ceremony will announce the winners of the International Somali Awards, with one winner from each category. The nominees will participate in media interviews and network with VIP guests and attendees. The winner will receive a personalised plaque.